From Funeral Planning to Wedding Planning- What the Business Taught me about Relationships that Everyone Should Know

As a lot of people know, I got engaged over the past weekend and it was nothing short of amazing. The thoughts of getting to marry my best best friend whom I also work along beside with everyday is so exciting and do consider myself very blessed. However, it was a long time coming. When I think back on past relationships compared to the one I have now with Jeffrey, everything just makes sense that I am where I am and that I'm with him. I can honestly say that I am thankful for each relationship that I have been in in the past, especially the few I was in since I've started working in the business because they each taught me very valuable things about what I deserved and how I should be treated when it comes to relationships. (Things that everyone no matter what profession that you're in should know.)
Working in the Funeral Industry is a very demanding profession. As I've mentioned before it requires a lot of your time, which leaves very little time for for yourself and your family, let alone time for dating. In the few past relationships before Jeffrey, I found that guys just didn't get the fact that I worked night and day, or that I couldn't go out of town on a night that I wasn't working because there was a possibility that I would get called out. I was even told once that my job sucked and that I had made the wrong choice by deciding to work in the funeral business. (Trust me, I took offense to that comment and I sent him on his way quick.) It was then that I learned that I needed to find someone who would understand, encourage and support my profession. With Jeff I have that because not only does he do the same exact thing that I do but we get to do it together quite often. Now I'm not saying that you need to run out there and try to find someone who is in the same profession as you in order to make it work, but you do need to stop and look at yourself and realize your self-worth. In my opinion, there are some vital things that are needed in order to make a relationship work, and understanding about things that take a lot of your time such as your job or in some instances people who are involved in your life a lot is very important. If the understanding and support isn't there then it will lead to a lot of arguments and you might as well just end the relationship right then and there. When you stop to think about it, if someone is not going to be understanding about a job or things that you are passionate about then you don't need them anyway.  It just shows that they are selfish and really don't care about you and chances are they will NEVER support you with anything else you choose to do.

Jeff and I just happened. We get along so well, and I really think that it was due to the fact that we started out as friends first. I was one of those people who rolled my eyes when someone said it was better to find someone and be friends with them first because let's just be honest, in today's generation you can meet or reject people simply by a swipe across a screen. My opinion on that now has completely changed. Since we were already friends and had worked almost a year and a half together, that whole awkward getting to know each other phase was eliminated. I was already aware of his annoying little habits (as he was mine), so we knew what we were getting into. We still learn new things about each other everyday, but it was nice to already have a sturdy foundation on (so to speak) so we could build a relationship on. The main point is, do not rush anything, let it go at its own pace and let everything fall into place the way it is meant to be. You can't just rush into a relationship without knowing someone and expect it to work. It just goes to show you, that even the most unlikely things such as working with death can teach you important things not only about yourself, but about relationships as well.

I'm truly blessed that Jeff was brought into my life and honestly couldn't have found anyone else who treats me with as much respect and that shows me as much love as he does: something that EVERY SINGLE PERSON deserves and should strive to have. I couldn't end this post without bragging on him and showing off the ring. As for those who may be wondering if I will incorporate our profession into our wedding the answer is YES! (And I couldn't be more excited.) 

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