Vacation...What it Really Means to Those Working in the Funeral Business

Vacation, the beloved and one of the most anticipated times during ones work year; especially when you work in the funeral business. It had been two years since I had taken a week off from working, two years that I had worked without a break of no longer than three days. I'm a firm believer in vacations, especially when you work hard and pull your weight no matter what the profession that you're in. Contrary to what the majority of the public may think, this job is one that is stressful, not to mention one that requires you to work long unforeseen hours. Vacations are definitely earned, so therefore it is vital that we take some time to get away from our jobs and refresh ourselves or we will risk getting burnt out with our jobs. When people think of vacation, it's mostly a trip out of town jam packed with plans to do all sorts of things while you're away. While that's great and all, (and something that I did as well that I enjoyed immensely), I also had other things in mind that I just couldn't wait to do.
My boyfriend (whom I happen to work with) planned a nice little getaway trip to Tennessee. I can't even begin to explain how nice this was, because when you work with the public in a small town, even the simplest of things like going out to dinner or going shopping can take longer than expected because you see so many people that you know. Now don't get me wrong, we both love seeing and talking to those we've helped or that we know, but sometimes it's just nice to go to a place where no one knows you and you can enjoy doing your own thing. We got to experience new attractions that we hadn't been to before and we were just able to blend in with the crowd. The five day getaway was definitely nice, but there's no way I would ever trade the Smokey Mountains for the beloved Appalachian Mountains that I live in. Towards the end of the trip I was definitely ready to get back, because there was so much more I had planned to do during my time off.

When you're in the business, you spend so much time with your work family helping other families in need that you have to put your own friends and family on the back burner. That is one of the main reasons why vacation time is so important to us that work in the business. I was so excited to get back from the trip because I was more than ready to spend time with my friends and family whom I haven't been able to do much with. I've been able to spend four days with my parents and family, spent an evening with my best friend (who I haven't laid eyes on in three months), spent a day antique shopping with my momma and was also able to go to a baby shower for one of my good friends. If anything can be learned from us who work in the business it's that time is precious, as well as family and the ones you love, because sadly death doesn't stop for anyone. So when you get the time, make the best of it and spend time with the ones you love.

Now it's Sunday, and the last day of my vacation. So what do I plan to do on my last day? Absolutely nothing. My plans consist of lounging in my beloved sweats, watch T.V. and maybe do a few little things around my apartment including laundry. Tomorrow morning I will wake up and not dread that it' s Monday like I usually do because honestly while the time off was great and much needed, I have missed working and doing what I love. Hope everyone has a wonderful Sunday!

Pictured below is what I like to think of as our version of the Smokey Mountains right here in Eastern Kentucky. Appalachia is honestly beautiful and I'm so thankful I can call it my home.

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