Labor Day- To those who work on this Holiday, this is for You

Labor Day, a holiday that is recognized by most people as a day off from work to enjoy time with their families, cookouts, and most importantly a day of rest. This holiday was first recognized in 1882 to show appreciation of the American workers who helped to achieve social and economic prosperity within our country. While many people are fortunate to get this holiday off there are some that still have to work during this day, and this is something that many people fail to remember.

While most are relaxing with their families, there are people out there that are working saving lives, aiding to the sick, and keeping peace among our communities. Sadly, death doesn't stop for Labor Day either. However while I have been on call today, I was fortunate to not have to go into work. I'm even more grateful to say that I haven't been called out so far, because despite of one of the myths about us that work in the funeral business, we do not sit around just wishing that people will die. (Especially on holidays.)

This post is more of a recognition to those who have to work on this day when you're technically not supposed to. To the first responders: this includes EMS, Fire Departments, Rescue Squads, Police Agencies, Coroners; to all those in the medical field: Doctors, RN's, LPN's, CNA's, Aids; to my fellow Funeral Directors and Embalmers or those that work in the business; to the individuals working in any business that worked today THANK YOU. You put your own needs, wants, and families on the back burner to help others in some way. Regardless, you should be recognized and appreciated not just on this day, but everyday.
I encourage everyone to stop and think of someone you may know that may be in one of these fields or that have had to work today and think about how selfless they are. Then, you should thank them. Just a little something to think about and appreciate. :) I hope everyone has had a wonderful and blessed Labor Day!   

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